Be THAT Teacher
...and inspire the next generation of STEM professionals.

Improve your practice. Join a community of hundreds of educators. Enact change in your classroom and beyond. Be THAT teacher.

Earn a 3-course Leadership Certificate in STEM Education in 6-9 months.
Join one of our joint STEM Master’s Programs—finish in 15-21 months.

Click for more information.
One of the things that I have enjoyed most about Endeavor is the incredible caliber of the instructors that you have assembled to take us through the program. I have learned so much from our professors in each of the courses, including AR, that I know has helped me grow as an educator.

-- D. Wasylik, NBCT, FL (5-course Certificate in STEM Education with Research Distinction)
I wanted to let you know you really opened my eyes to the world of physics and how it can be incorporated into the elementary classroom. Prior to this class I had always been afraid of physics and in fact, had changed my major from Bachelors in Science to Education when I was confronted with having to take the course. Now that I see what physics is about, I am excited about the opportunities to teach it in my STEM classroom. I have REALLY enjoyed the Endeavor program. I wouldn't change this experience for anything. :)

-- K. Ringgold-Deitz, OK (NSU Master's Degree Graduate with Certificate in STEM Education with Research Distinction)
I am really enjoyed the Endeavor program. I even got a colleague to do the program with me.

-- J. Lispki MS (ASU Master's Degree Graduate with Certificate in STEM Education with Leadership Distinction)
My humble achievements are nothing but a small reflection of the substantial guidance received from the Endeavor team. I would love to have continuous cooperation with Endeavor in STEM education and contribute any way I can.

-- A. Khan, International Student Graduate (3-course Leadership Certificate in STEM Education)

Current Offerings

  • NASA Astronomy and Space Science
  • NASA Project 3D-VIEW
  • Coding, Robotics, and 1:1 Devices
  • The E in STEM: Meaningful Content for Engineering
  • Lessons from the Ocean: Science on the Water Planet
  • Methods of STEM Education
  • Reading and Writing in the Science Classroom

